Next phase for Devalia and Nexia’s ozone-analysing project

Devalia founder Dalia Benefatto has told Inside Denim how she believes a new project analysing ozone will have wide-ranging implications and that the partners are “raising the bar”.

Laundry machinery manufacturer Nexia Italy and Devalia have officially signed a partnership to work together to investigate possible health concerns related to the use of ozone in the treatment of apparel.

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Daisy di Dalia Silvia Benefatto

VAT 04360870234
Italian Fiscal Code

Via Primo Maggio, 1 – 37067 Valeggio sul Mincio (VR – Italy)

Daisy di Dalia Silvia Benefatto

P.IVA 04360870234

Via Primo Maggio, 1 – 37067 Valeggio sul Mincio (VR)